

推土机系列液力变矩器为单级单相向心涡轮三元件结构。是我公司参照日本小松D65 推土机用三相四元件液力变矩器 的使用性能,并在借鉴吸引国内外同类 型液力变矩器优秀结构的基础上,设计 开发的新型液力变矩器产品,具有结构 简单,质量可靠,高效区宽,效率高等特点。

“Bulldozer” series Hydraulic Torque Converter is a single phase, single stage, Centripetal

 Turbine with three main components. We designed it after carefully studied the similar hydraulic converter used in D65 Bulldozer from KOMATSU on its specification and analyzed the pros and cons on other alike products on the market from different manufacturer. Our products get advanced in its simplified structure, higher reliability and wider high-efficiency band.

设计 开发的新型液力变矩器产品,具有结构 简单,质量可靠,高效区宽,效率高等特点。